Houston/June 1, 2022/Jereh announced that they were awarded an order for a set of Apollo direct drive turbine frac pumper in North America. To date there will be 4 sets of Jereh Apollo Turbine Frac Pumpers in shale gas field operations.
In 2019, Jereh sold the first set of turbine fracturing unit to the US. Now, it has already completed more than 40,000 hours of operation. Its reliable and continuous performance proves successful in cost reduction and efficiency enhancement. And in 2021, Jereh got a second order for two sets of turbine fracturing units.

The Apollo Turbine Frac Pumper provides a solution for challenging hydraulic fracturing environments. It installs a TF50F gas turbine to drive a 5,000hp pump. Compared to conventional ones, a single turbine fracturing pumper has higher output power and efficiency. The foot print, pipe connecting workload and crew member are significantly reduced.
It can also run on multiple fuel sources such as wellhead gas, pipeline gas, CNG and LNG, greatly reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and meeting the requirements of ESG. Besides, the noise of the equipment is lower than 85dB, for 24-hour continuous operation.

According to EIA, the overall natural gas development in the U.S. is on the rise. It is estimated that annual U.S. natural gas production will grow by nearly 25% by 2050. Facing the growing market, Jereh will innovate more high-end equipment including turbine and electric frac pumper, Power2Go mobile gas genset to help customers remain competitive.