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Jereh Voices Confidence in the Battle against Novel Coronavirus

Since February 10, Jereh Group has officially resumed operations after the prolonged Spring Festival holidays that was overshadowed by the novel coronavirus epidemic, while implementing all required measures for the health and safety of employees, which remains top priority for the company.

To protect staff from the epidemic and to comply with government requirements, Jereh set up the Department of Epidemic Emergency and Instructions to clarify task arrangement regarding epidemic precaution and response. Jereh defends the health of its employees in a safe yet warm way by adopting highest-standard precautionary measures, which include regular checks on body temperature twice a day, thorough disinfection in the building and workshops, free medical masks for all employees, remote working tools and packed meals to avoid massive gathering, stringent entrance and exit logging as well as strict reporting procedures. 

Jereh staff lining up for temperature check.

While the company ensures the safety and well-being of each employee, Jereh also assumes its social responsibilities as a Chinese enterprise. January 31, ten million RMB (1.4 million USD) has been donated by Jereh to Red Cross Society of China, Yantai Branch, aiming to help fight the war against Novel Coronavirus. 

A specific fund was set up with this donation to guarantee that the money would only be spent on medical institutes, low-income patients and other people who suffer from the epidemic. 

Jereh donated 1.4 million USD to local charity.

At the same time, Jereh also provided free electrostatic sprayer equipment to local hospitals for disinfection and virus prevention. The equipment is capable of covering every single corner in an all-around and seamless way, enabling the disinfectant to play its full part. The equipment was featured by China Daily on February 10 and drew great attention from the public.

Jereh electrostatic sprayer equipment was featured by China Daily.

Demonstration of how to use the electrostatic sprayer equipment.

Besides the disinfection in residential and working areas, it is even more important to properly and prudently treat the wastewater produced by medical institutes, as it has a great chance to contain virus or other harmful substances. 

In order to cut off all possible pathways that may transmit virus, medical wastewater must be recycled and treated professionally to reach the environment standard before being discharged.

Jereh wastewater treatment facilities.

Facing the critical situation, Jereh Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (Jereh EMG) has developed a series of integrated, modularized and intelligent wastewater treatment equipment together with specific disinfection modules, for satisfying the urgent needs of wastewater treatment. The equipment features short deliver time and easy installation, which could be put into use right after installation. 

Figure 6: Jereh provided wastewater treatment equipment to a local hospital.

The cleaning of public and infrastructure areas is of highly importance as well, especially during this epidemic outbreak. As reported, the new coronavirus is usually transmitted through spattering saliva when someone coughs or sneezes and physical contact. Saliva splatters in the air when someone coughs or sneezes. The virus will float for only 1 to 2 meters within a limited time before settling into the ground. 

Jereh Deep Clean Road Sweeper

Jereh self-developed sanitation equipment allows complete and thorough removal of contaminants, mud, surface grease etc. on the ground, by adopting high-pressure water rotation cleaning device (patented) and high-negative-pressure multistage vacuum suction system. In this way, dust pollution could be prevented from the source, effectively cutting off the sedimentation pathways of bacteria and virus. 

 Jereh employees working at the factory.

Vice President and Board Secretary of Jereh Group, Mr. Zhang Zhigang mentioned in an interview at the donation ceremony, “Jereh has always been actively fulfilling its social responsibilities. We are simply doing what should be done and are proud to provide some help. 

As a private listed enterprise in China, Jereh firmly believes that brave Chinese people has the strength to conquer the virus. In the meantime, we also hold great confidence for the company’s bright prospect and for China’s economic growth in the near future!”